CFT Founder, Professor Paul Gilbert, PhD, OBE, brought the international Compassionate Mind Foundation into being in 2006, based in the United Kingdom.

The Compassionate Mind Foundation - USA is an independent organization created in 2012 at Dr. Gilbert's request. We seek to further the direction of our UK colleagues' good work, by bringing CFT training, supervision, research and practice across North America and to international conferences and events.

Our leadership team below is actively seeking new collaborations and initiatives to help us serve the alleviation and prevention of suffering with colleagues around the world.


Honorary President Emeritus:  Professor Paul Gilbert, PhD, FBPsS, OBE

Founding President: Dennis Tirch, PhD

Founding Director: Laura Silberstein, PsyD

Founding Research Chair: Russell Kolts PhD

UK Representative/Liaison:  Chris Irons, PhD

Academic Chair: Yotam Heineberg, PsyD

Australia Representative/Liaison: James Bennett-Levy, PhD

Continental Europe Liaison: Nicola Petrocchi

Advisory Board Members:  James Bennett-Levy PhD, Christine Braehler, PhD, Martin Brock MSc, Michelle Cree PhD, Christopher Germer PhD, Paul Gilbert PhD, David Ginsberg MD, Andrew Gumley PhD, Steven C. Hayes PhD, Yotam Heimberg PhD, Chris Irons PhD, Kelly Koerner PhD, Russell Kolts PhD, Robert L. Leahy PhD, Kristin Neff PhD, Kevin Polk PhD, Lobsang Rapgay PhD, Benjamin Schoendorff MSc, Laura Silberstein PsyD, Dennis Tirch PhD, Mathieu Villate PhD, Mary Welford PhD, Kelly G. Wilson PhD, Wendy Wood PhD, M Joann Wright PhD, Nicola Wright PhD

Become a Part of Our Work:

If you would like to take part in the activity of the Compassionate Mind Foundation-USA, please fill out the form below and one of our members will get in touch with you.

Paul Gilbert PhD, OBE

Paul Gilbert PhD, OBE

Dennis Tirch PhD 

Dennis Tirch PhD


Laura Silberstein PsyD

Laura Silberstein PsyD

Russel Kolts PhD

Russel Kolts PhD

Chris Irons PhD

Chris Irons PhD

Yotam Heineberg PsyD

Yotam Heineberg PsyD

James Bennett-Levy PhD

James Bennett-Levy PhD

Nicola Petrocchi

Nicola Petrocchi